Contact Information
20673 Coastal Hwy
Rehoboth Beach, DE - 19971
20673 Coastal Hwy
Rehoboth Beach, DE - 19971
This location does not process US Passport applications or renewals.
Hours of Operation
I’ve been calling for a week my son’s envelope says delivered but it’s not there who do we contact about this if no one answers the phone ?
Carrier keeps holding my packages at the post office stating I requested this for pickup.Why would I do this? No way to resolve issue… no one answers phone..
I live at 33849, woman postal person delivered mail say item with coins was delivered not there.I tried to call postal annex in Rehoboth beach several times no response.
I can’t get an answer with calling. I’m having an issue with getting a replacement key for the mail box in order to have making delivery here possible.