Contact Information
2230 Fairview Rd Ste C
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
2230 Fairview Rd Ste C
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
Hours of Operation
The post office service is ok. Not the friendliest but not the worst. However, this one mail carrier is MEAN and lazy. We have an issue with people from the apartments a block or two down taking up all of our street parking. This woman has yelled at pretty much all of my family members one time or another telling US not to park in front of our mailbox and that's why we don't get our mail sometimes because if she cannot drive up to the box, she isn't delivering it. We park in the garage or our driveway. We have absolutely NO control over who parks on our street and how. So we get denied our mail delivery? We don't deserve not to get our mail because some random stranger parks in front of the curb. She only delivers twice a week or so. The mailmen park in front of our driveway when someone is parked in front of our box, step out of their vehicle and put our mail in the box. But she doesn't! Maybe we should put the box near our doorstep? No cars would block it, but heaven forbid she have to get up off .