The USPS was founded in 1775 and Benjamin Franklin was the first Postmaster General.
Below you'll find any US Post Offices that we've found in Defuniak Springs, FL.
800 E Church Ave
Geneva, AL - 36340
1045 5th St
Florala, AL - 36442
(334) 858-6812
This location does not process US Passport applications or renewals. ..
1550 Chippeway St
Lockhart, AL - 36455
33 S Broad St
Samson, AL - 36477
4757 U S Highway 90 E
Argyle, FL - 32422
(850) 892-0566
This location does not process US Passport applications or renewals. ..
We are slowly building our database of post office locations, hours, photos, comments and helpful descriptions.