The USPS was founded in 1775 and Benjamin Franklin was the first Postmaster General.
Below you'll find any US Post Offices that we've found in Bayou La Batre, AL.
9251 Irvington Blb Hwy
Irvington, AL - 36544
12580 Us Highway 90
Grand Bay, AL - 36541
411 Parker Ln
Chickasaw, AL - 36611
(251) 457-1395
This location does not process US Passport applications or renewals. ..
7970 Highway 188
Coden, AL - 36523
(251) 824-2031
This location does not process US Passport applications or renewals. ..
808 Daphne Ave
Daphne, AL - 36526
(251) 621-7314
This location processes US Passport applications and renewals. ..
We are slowly building our database of post office locations, hours, photos, comments and helpful descriptions.